
  1. 2020 - An End Of Year Review…

    Wow, 2020. Where do we start? Let’s see how long it takes before I have to mention the C word. I thought I’d try and focus on some of the positives that came with this past year. This is my first “end of year” post that I’m sure you’ve seen…

  2. 2017

    Hey! Haven’t been very active on Facebook since the new year kicked in. I’ve been working on tonnes of great projects recently and then you stop to take a breath and it’s nearly March already!  I was planning to have a quiet start to 2017 after such a chaotic wedding…

  3. Personal Work, London.

    I spotted this composition stood waiting for a tube in London and it absolutely fascinates me.  I wonder where they were all heading to? Where were the people with suitcases going? Was that guy texting his wife? Was he telling her he’ll be home soon or was he saying goodbye?…

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